DORA Toolkit
The Digital Operational Resilience Act (“DORA”) is aimed at strengthening the digital operational resilience of financial entities and ensuring that such firms can withstand, respond to, and recover from all types of ICT-related disruptions and threats.
The Arthur Cox DORA Toolkit comprises a series of concise, practical, and easy to read guides and checklists to help Financial Entities implement the requirements introduced by DORA.
We hope that the DORA Toolkit is useful to you in assessing your current compliance status against DORA and to highlight those areas where further work may be required.
We are on hand to help you at any stage of your DORA Implementation Project. Contact us here for further details on how to request the DORA Toolkit today.
“DORA is smart regulation, designed to deliver significant levels of resilience in the face of ICT risk and proliferating cyber threats in a way that is sophisticated, adaptive, proportionate and evolving. Of course designing regulation is one thing, implementing it well is another.”
Source: Regulating for Better Outcomes, Remarks by Director Gerry Cross