Compliance Services
Want to establish an Irish Company
We assist clients in incorporating new Irish companies and have a stream-lined, efficient incorporation process available where incorporation generally occurs within 5-7 days of filing the incorporation papers with the Irish Companies Registration Office (“CRO”). As part of the incorporation process we also provide advices on the different company types available to clients and post-incorporation matters that shall need attending to.
For clients with a more immediate/urgent requirement to have an Irish company, we assist such clients in acquiring pre-existing companies in an expedited manner.
Wish to establish an Irish Branch
We advise and assistance clients in registering branches of their external companies here in Ireland.
A branch has an annual obligation to submit a copy of the accounting documentation from the external company as filed in its home jurisdiction to the CRO. We prepare the required documentation to ensure the branch meets these obligations as set out in the Companies Act 2014 and arrange filing at the CRO as needed on behalf of our clients.
Need assistance in meeting your Beneficial Ownership requirements
Each Irish registered company is required to create and maintain a register of beneficial owners. As well as maintaining an internal register, companies are also required to register the details with the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership. We aid companies in establishing and maintaining the internal register and making the required filings with the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership as required. We also carry out an annual review of the internal and central registers to ensure they are up to date and accurate.
Are you a Charity
Every charity registered in the State is required to submit an Annual Report to the Charities Regulator within ten months of its financial year end date. The Annual Report describes the activities and financial affairs of the charity for the preceding year and it is the responsibility of charity trustees to ensure that their charity submits an accurate Annual Report on time. We file the Annual Report for our charitable clients to ensure that their obligations are met and they avoid any enforcement action being taken by the Charities Regulator.
On-going Compliance Services
We assist companies and their directors, secretaries and managers in organising, documenting and completing ongoing statutory compliance obligations by providing technical support and practical assistance. Our service includes our prompting you in relation to compliance with your Irish company’s annual filing requirements.
Process Agent Services
Arthur Cox LLP act as process agent in both Ireland and the United Kingdom through its nominee companies, Bradwell Limited and UK Process Services Limited, respectively. As part of this service provision we accept service of proceedings issued out of the Courts of Ireland and the Courts of England and Wales on a client’s behalf. Where proceedings are served on a client for which we are engaged, we:-
inform the company by email of the fact that proceedings have been served, the name of the person/company issuing the proceedings and the deadline, if any, for acknowledgement of service; and
send the proceedings to the relevant company by registered post or courier to the address provided in the Process Agent Agreement.
Requirement for a GDPR authorised representative
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to all data processing that relates to an EU establishment but also applies to the processing of the personal data of EU residents where the processing is related to the offering of goods or services to EU residents or where their behaviour within the EU is monitored. Under Article 37 of the GDPR, businesses engaged in the above activities but that do not have an establishment in the EU must designate a representative in the EU to act as a contact point in addition to, or instead of, the non EU business by supervisory authorities and data subjects, on all issues related to processing, for the purposes of ensuring compliance with the GDPR. We have created a specialised GDPR Irish Subsidiary Representative solution for our clients which allows them comply with the above obligations. It can also be a first step towards an establishment in the EU for clients considering future expansion in the EU.
No longer need your Irish Company - Voluntary Strike off
An Irish company can apply to be voluntarily struck off the register of companies if it is has ceased trading/never traded, has no outstanding creditors and has assets and liabilities not exceeding €150. The application of the voluntary strike off procedure (VSO) is the quickest and simplest way to close an Irish company. The timescale from submitting the application for strike off and the actual dissolution of the company is approximately 3 – 4 months. We can assist you with the winding up of a company by way of a VSO in a timely and efficient manner.
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