Geoff Moore Managing Partner
Karen Killoran Chair, Sustainable Business Committee
Sustainability for Arthur Cox involves a commitment to robust governance, policies, and practices. That commitment includes a relentless focus on diversity and inclusion, respect for human rights, responsible procurement and environmental sustainability. The integration of each of these elements is a key part of the decision making for our business.
Guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we want to identify ways in which we can make positive contributions within our community, our marketplace our workplace and with respect to our impact on the environment. We have reported on our impacts in each of these areas.
For the past two financial years we have committed to publishing our Sustainable Business Impact Reports to measure our performance against our sustainable business objectives and to assess the impacts of our sustainable business activities. We are delighted to publish this, our third Arthur Cox Sustainable Business Impact Report, for our financial year 2022/23.
Highlights of our report include a return to more in-person fundraising and volunteering activities which has resulted in an increase in the amount of funding and volunteering support that we as a firm have been able to give back to those in our communities who need it most. We are also pleased to be able to continue to provide improved access to justice in Ireland through our engagement in impactful pro bono projects that have resulted in positive change. While the return of in-person meetings and to our offices is most definitely to be welcomed, we, like most other organisations, have experienced an increase in our carbon emissions this year as a result of more business travel and energy usage. Our challenge for the coming year is to implement new and innovative solutions that will help to mitigate our carbon emissions. We will also seek to improve engagement levels across all areas of our business to ensure that everyone in our firm contributes to our goal of being a sustainable business leader in Ireland.
We would like to give particular thanks to everyone in the Arthur Cox community who has contributed to these initiatives and to our partners in the community and charity sectors with whom we have been privileged to work with over the past year to deliver the outcomes in this year’s report.
Geoff Moore, Managing Partner
Karen Killoran, Chair, Sustainable Business Committee